Cast iron based metal components are highly susceptible to oxidation or more popularly known as corrosion or rust. This happens when they come in contact with water or oxygen for a prolonged time period. This weakens the metal and kills performance, apart from hampering its look and feel. PPE believes that when we know that there is an imminent problem, it is best to address it early on. Therefore, PPE offers proactive rust prevention chemicals that protect the metal components from rust for short-term during the critical holding time, just before assembly and delivery to the client.

Be better prepared to prevent corrosion with PPEs rust preventive product line:

ANTIRUST ST : The most effective rust prevention chemical that enables your ferrous components to be in the best condition before machining.

ARTCLEAN CW : A versatile product that prevents rusting apart from removing oils and carbon.

EFFSTRIP CR : An extremely powerful degreasing and carbon removal agent for ferrous components including engines and its components, valves, pistons, etc.

MARBINOL PLUS : Works like a miracle on the industrial flooring that is so vulnerable to stains from oil, grease, dust, sticky dirt and other machine-related spill-over.


Which is the right product for you?

Want to improve component longevity?

Call us now on +91-9881134165 | +91-20-25458835